100 of the first 10k will be available for a limited time. After selling out, minting will be paused for FROMO PROMO!
After your transaction, check Opensea to see your Mystery HLHD token.
After all 100 are minted, we will post updates on the FROMO100 reveal here & all social accounts.
The first 25 will receive a #FROMO NFT-shirt, if you are in the first 25, email your shirt size and address to
The first 50 will receive a FROMO100 sticker, if you are in the first 50, email your address to
All of the first 100 HLHDs will be stamped with an exclusive FROMO100 watermark.
You will also be among the first to receive special giveaway prizes and updates on details of the FULL DROP!

At least 2 "Curated Cuts" are guaranteed in the first 100. The 2nd of the 2 will receive an Infinite "Bob"ject as long as the FROMO100 completes, regardless of the 10K goal!

not necessarily pictured "Curated Cut"